Guana Cay Island Cottage

Guana Cay Cottage Perspective
Guana Cay Cottage Front
Guana Cay Cottage Detail
Guana Cay Cottage View
Guana Cay Cottage Perspective
Guana Cay Cottage Front
Guana Cay Cottage Detail
Guana Cay Cottage View

This island cottage was designed to be a reclusive retreat for a Cleveland couple and their family. Located in Guana Cay, Abacos, Bahamas, the site sits atop a spectacular island ridge that provides ocean views to both the Atlantic and the bay side of the island. The remote location required special attention to building materials and construction methods. All materials had to be barged to the site.

The program required 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living, dining and kitchen areas and extensive outdoor space. NWD studied vernacular examples of island architecture in seeking a design that suited the site and met the parameters of modern island living. The resulting design provides 1430 sf of living space and yields broad views in three directions from the main body of the house. A cupola provides a panoramic view of the Caribbean horizon. Computer modeling was used extensively to study sun angles, wind exposure, views, and ultimately, to convey the design to the client.